More time this year, than ever before, I have been able to simply "be" with my family. Cutting out the noise to intentionally focus on family time has been refreshing as well as a topic of great thought in my life. I am, as this blog overtly suggests, fully into life integration. However, I have been struck lately as to how fulfilling it can be to separate one's life at times. There is a healthy tension within me that fully embraces a fully integrated life while being content and happy with a compartmentalized life. This doesn't seem to make sense though! You would think those two concepts would be at complete odds with each other!

I haven't traveled on a plane for work since January 31st. Whoa! A drastic difference than my 2016. Travel for work also holds a healthy tension in my life. I both enjoy the thrill of experiencing a new city and dread the din of airport food, hotel pillows, Uber ride "adventures", and all day indoor meetings. The past 6 months have been a retreat, a respite, and rejuvenation, and revitalization of family time in our household. My oldest put it best while at my youngest's soccer game earlier this week as she looked up at me from the blanket on the ground - "Daddy, we're all together again!" (This came after my two kiddos and I spent time on the road at different times for camp, grandparent travel, and volunteering).

Intentionally finding time to "be" with family, fully present, without distractions is increasingly a challenge in my always on and connected life. But one area that has provided great benefit to me (and probably more benefit to my family!) is being in a workplace culture that supports family, is fun, and provides an engaging atmosphere to learn while making a difference in our community. 

My faith and family provide grounding I needed in this season of life more than I realized. At the same time, my work is contributing to the fulfillment in my life in ways I didn't know existed! My soul is being refreshed. Separate or integrated? I'd say both/and.

P.S. A completely heartfelt and LOUD shout out to my loving and supportive wife who graciously provides the best grounding for our family that God could possibly have imagined! She is my constant, my love, and my co-pilot forging a path for our family.

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