Life moves fast. The pace seems to move ever quicker with after school activities, work assignments, meal planning, volunteer opportunities, and other life moments that take up every waking moment...or seems to anyway. Our 2017 did NOT begin the way my wife and I had planned it. One or multiple members of our family were sick from Christmas through February, I traveled for work 12 of the 21 business days in January, and I accepted an opportunity with Cresa Minneapolis. That's right, I decided to say goodbye to Mortenson after nearly 13 years of dedication, learning, and working with great people on some really great projects across the U.S. But I didn't just drop my line out and snag the first fish that swam by. This was a process spanning months of development, introspect, prayer, and countless conversations with my beautifully wise wife. 

You may have noticed a drop off in my blog "production" since mid-January. I held a glimmer of hope that I could still maintain my blog posting during the navigatable tumultuous months of January (intense decision making) and February (intentional transition from one company to another), but alas, I decided to let go and pick up when life settled down to a healthy pace again. 

I am almost 3 weeks into my new role at Cresa and life has changed dramatically while staying constant. I am excited to dig into and share my transition experience. Changing jobs is one thing, but shifting into a a sister industry to the one I had known for 13 years was quite the experience! It's not something one does every day (or even every year)...thank goodness! 

Life moves fast, but my wife and I were prepared for the curve ball 2017 threw at us. Grounded in our faith, supported by our close friend and family community, and drawing on past experience guided us through January and February. It's already March, it seems like the year has just begun, and we're ready for our next adventure!

"Be strong and courageous, do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go."  Joshua 1:9

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