One of my goals for 2018 is to read 120 books. How will I read 10 books a month you ask?! I'm not exactly sure yet, but I know that, being a goal setter, I will do all I can to achieve it. Setting goals, especially stretch goals, is a great way to focus one's energy towards achieving that goal. I set this goal for 3 reasons:

  1. I've never read that many books in 1 year before (not even close)
  2. I enjoy reading (more as an adult than I ever did as a kid) and love learning
  3. I want to be a role model for my kids

The first book I finished this year was Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. It was the first time I have read a Harry Potter book and it was entertaining. The second book I finished this year was the second in C.S. Lewis' classic Chronicles of Narnia series:  Prince Caspian. I finished The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe at the end of December so I can't count that one for 2018 :-(. However, I am not just reading books for my own enjoyment. I am reading the Narnia series out loud to my kids just like my dad did for me when I was about their age. It has been pure joy to try and decipher who enjoys it reading out loud and enjoying C.S. Lewis...or my kids hanging on every word and begging to "go on" after I've finished a chapter with a dramatic pause.

I have read and heard that parents will often stop reading to their children once they can begin reading chapter books on their own. I have also read that reading out loud to your children throughout elementary school age is an incredibly rewarding experience for all involved. I can attest that this is very true!

How many books will you read this year? What must read recommendations do you have for me?
