C, my little boy, asks me every night to tell him a story. Story telling has always been a challenge for me as I don't consider myself overly creative...although God is slowly revealing that I do have a very creative nature. Keeping in mind there are 3 main components to a story...1. Beginning, 2. Middle, 3. End, my stories are usually simple with a happy beginning, followed by a simple problem, and then finished with a resolution. I'm surprised sometimes with what I'm able to conjure up after a full day of work having spent lots of mental capacity already.

After tonight's story, little C said, "Daddy, you should write down your stories!" I'll assume that means he likes my stories. So, with no other intro, here was tonight's story...

"Once upon a time there was a magical sled hidden inside a cave and the only person who knew it existed was a man named Fuddle Duddle. He had a super long silvery white beard."

"How long was it, daddy??" Asked little C. "Thirteen feet long," I replied.  C, with astonishment said "Whoa!"

"...and he had long silvery hair that come down over his ears and whisked slightly above his eyes to the right. His nose was long a pointy."

C interrupted, "was he a dwarf?"

"...Fuddle Duddle, being an excellent bowler, was at a bowling tournament and was paired with a little boy named Truper Duper. They were bowling away when, midframe, Fuddle Duddle asked Truper Duper if he'd like some nachos. 'Would I?!' replied the boy. 'Sure!' So they both went to the food counter, ordered some nachos, and waited. While the silvery wise man handed the cashier some money to pay for the nachos he leaned down to Truper Duper and said in a quick and monotone voice:

'There is a magical sled hidden in a cave in St. Paul and no one knows where it is except me and I can tell you exactly where it is. In fact the exact location is...'

And then proceeded to tell the boy, in a hushed tone that only the boy could understand, the exact coordinates and location of the hidden magical sled. The two went back to their lane, finished their game and...WON the tournament! 

When Truper Duper arrived home from his victory he met his best friend waiting for him in his driveway."

"Did he tell his friend where the magic sled was?" asked C.

"Truper Duper continued to tell his best friend, in detail, where the sled was hidden and they were off to go find it! To be continued...

"Can't you tell me the rest of the story tonight!?" begged C. Tomorrow night, I said and transitioned to prayer time with Jesus then a quick tickle session with lots of giggles and laughter. With a kiss goodnight, a tight squeeze, and a "I love you and have a goodnight sleep," I left him to slumber the night away with sweet dreams.